Thoughts from a 5 year old: He is a little old for the app because he already has learned all of his abc's but he still would enjoy completing some of the activites like building a robot and finding treasure.
Thoughts from a 2 year old: Completely perfect for our little guy. He was hooked from the get go (just as he was with TallyTots) and I would catch him reciting the letters as he went through all the activities. He comes back to the app time and time again - it never seems to get old for him. I have also noticed a great improvement in his letter recognition.
Mom's Take: I am constantly searching for learning apps that my kids will enjoy. This is an easy to navigate and fun app for my child. I love seeing how much he learns and enjoys the app all at once!
Simply Stated: This would be an asset to any preschooler - it is a wonderful teaching accessory!We have 5 free download codes to giveaway! To enter to win tell us the answer to the following question: "What is about this app that makes you want to win it?" The deadline to enter is June 9th at midnight EST.

My son adores the Tally Tots app. I'd love to win a copy of Alpha Tots for him!
I am in desperate need for a new app for my daughter to play with and this one looks absolutely adorable!!! Love the letters!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
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