Thoughts from a 5 year old: This was a great book for him to help aid with our beginning reading. It highlights the words as they are being read and makes it easy for him to associate the sounds with the letters. He remembers me reading this to him since he was a baby and really enjoys being able to listen to it whenever he desires.
Thoughts from a 2 year old: He has a ball touching the characters to see what they will do.He will bring me the iPad with the app ready to go and say "let's read mom".
Mom's Take: I love how it takes a story our family has always enjoyed and makes it feel new and engaging. Being able touch and get a response from the book is really cool to my kids. It also makes it easy to bring along one of our favorite books on any trip and no longer do we have to worry about mis-placing it (Daddy would never let his iPad disappear).
Simply Stated: It's a beautiful story and a great addition to anyone child's reading library!We have 1 free download code to giveaway! To enter to win tell us the answer to the following question: "What is your favorite childhood book & why?" The deadline to enter is June 9th at midnight EST.

1 comment:
Oh I love this book and always choose it to read to my son when he lets me choose! I really loved the Frances books when I was little, and Little Bear!
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