What: Sweet Cream Body Milk
Why: Picture a delicate mixture of milk and sweet cream and then pour it onto your body. It delivers perfectly moisturized skin with it's ingredients like sweet almond, rice bran, and even avocado.
Where: Farmhouse Fresh
Wow: It comes in a easy to pour, gorgeous glass - even packaged in a fun "Our cows eat cookies" gift box. Perfect for a gift!
Thoughts: "It smells so delicious. I am all about scents and this one delivers. It smells sweet but just light enough to leave you wanting more. I adore the elegant glass container and am thrilled with the way it hydrates my skin!" (Melissa)
You can win your own Sweet Cream Body Milk! To enter to win visit Farmhouse Fresh and comment back telling us which item you would like to try the most. The deadline to enter is March 31st at midnight EST. You can double your winning chances by subscribing to Now What Baby. Already a subscriber - NWB has changed it's email service so you may need to resubscribe. Please fill out the form below to make sure you are a current subscriber. Already re-subscribed? Simply remind us in your comment!

I would like to try the Honey Heel Glaze.
I am a subscriber.
I'd most like to try the Fine Body Scrub, I'd like softer limbs.
I subscribe.
I would like to try the Honey Heel Glaze. With sandal weather coming, my heels always get so dry. The honey sounds so refreshing.
I am a subscriber
Fine Foot Scrub Trio; I hate to admit it, but I have horribly flat feet. This product would be great on them. I'm a subscriber.
I would love to try the Sweet Cream body scrub. Yum!!
I'm a subscriber.
Powder Milk Bath with Chicory Root necter
Im a subscriber
I'd love to try the Ducks Butt Trio Scrub Gift Set. If it's a celebrities' fav, it's certainly worth trying
I'm a subscriber
I'd love to try the heel glaze bc my feet are BAD!
I'd try the Fine Body Scrub in Whipped Honey. It's lightweight, non-greasy and includes a wooden spoon for scooping! I'm a subscriber.
I'd love to try the Honey Heel Glaze, because my feet get so dry in the winter.
Email Subscriber: sbarnesmomo4@yahoo.com
I would like to try the Powdered milk Bath!!
I would love to try the blueberry milk bath!
I'd love to try the Honey Heel Glaze on my very dry feet.Sounds like it would be a real treatfor my feet!
I'm a subscriber
I'm in need of the Honey Heel Glaze. These products sound delicious!
I am a subscriber!
I would really love to try the Honey Heel Glaze. Me feet need it!!!
I am a subscriber!
The honey heel glaze is much needed on my crackly feet!
I subscribe as well
The Fine Foot Scrub- Trio Gift Set looks wonderful! My feet could definitely use some scrubbing! Thanks for the giveaway!
I subscribe too.
I want the sweet cream body milk
already a subscriber, thanks for all the reviews and giveaways!
Hahaha - I love their "Smooth As A Duck's Butt" tote! Hilarious!
I subscribe too. melaniesands[at]yahoo[dot]ca
I could really use the Honey Heel Glaze to get my feet ready for summer. thanks
i subscribe
Looks like a lot of us have horrendous winter feet as I'd also like to try the honey heel glaze...
I'm a subscriber.
I'd love to try the Strawberry Smash - Double Moisturizer! I'm a subscriber, too!
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
Sweet cream body scrub? Mm-mm! Sounds INCREDIBLE!
I am a subscriber!
The Whipped Honey Fine Body Scrub sounds luscious!!!
I'm a subscriber too.
Sweet cream body scrub sounds great!!! and i'm a subscriber =)
For Dog Lovers: "My Doorbell Wags"- Tshirt would be great!
I'd love to try the Honey Heel Glaze.
I'm a suscriber.
the sugared maple body scrub sounds fab
I want and need the Honey Heel Glaze. My heels are so dried out from this winter. Thanks for the giveaway
Fine foot scrub trio. I walk a lot and my dogs are always barkin'!
I subscribe.
I would love to try this one!
I would really like to try the Strawberry Smash - Double Moisturizer to soften my skin. Thank you!
I'm a subscriber.
I'd love to try the Honey Heel Glaze too! It sounds great!
I subscribe!
I could really use the Honey Heel Glaze!
I am a subscriber!
I'd love to try the Strawberry Smash Double Moisturizer.
I would love to try the sweet cream milk after a day of running around after my little ones.
Yum. I agree with Oprah. The Fine Foot Scrub sounds absolutely decadent. I'd have one foot in heaven. heh. get it?
I'm an email subscriber!
Honey heel glaze sounds like it would help my winter dry feet!
The Honey Heel Glaze sounds amazing.
I am a subscriber.
Everything on the site sounds fantastic,I would love to try them all. One I would start out with is Fine Body Scrub in whipped honey. Thanks
I would like to try the Fine Foot Scrub Trio
I subscribe
Definitely duck's butt! :) so cute a name!
i also subscribed already!
The honey heel glaze sounds great! Would love to win this prize.
I would love the Blueberry scented lotion, it sounds delightful!
mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com
I am a subscriber.
mi3ragamuffins at aol dot com
The Blueberry Milk Bath appeals to me the most. cdziuba@aol.com
I subscribe. cdziuba@aol.com
Would LOVE to try the Honey Heel Glaze!! Can you say ROUGH FEET!
I subscribe.
i'd love to try the strawberry smash. it looks yummy!
i subscribe!
I want to try the Fine Foot Scrub Trio Gift Set. The warm weather is coming so I want to be ready!
The Sweet Cream Body Milk is what I'd like to try most. So lucky me if I win!!!
I am a subscriber
Honey Heel Glaze! I subscribe
Love the Tee Shirt-My Doorbell Wags! We have a new rescue beagle puppy and she fits this motto to a tee! Many thanks, Cindi
I am a subscriber! Many thanks, Cindi
I would LOVE the Blueberry milk bath. I love milk baths of any kind, and blueberry is one of my favorite scents. I usually put powdered milk from the grocery store in my daughters bath. When she was an infant the doc said to sit her in warm milk, it worked wonders. She's too big for that now, it takes too much milk. :)
sweet cream body scrub. I am a scrub-aholic!
Would love to try the Fine Foot Scrub Trio Gift Set.
I really want to try the Honey Heel Glaze!
The Honey Heel Bushel Basket set looks awesome!
I subscribe!
powder milk bath sounds so relaxing
I'd like to try the Strawberry Smash Double Moisturizer
I'm a subscriber
I would love to try the Honey Heel Glaze..my heels could definitely use it.
Fine Body Scrub in Whipped Honey
I subscribe.
I would LOVE to try the Blueberry Powder Milk Bath with Chicory Root. I love bath stuff especially anything blueberry =)
I am also a subscriber...Thanks!!!
Fine Foot Scrub- Trio Gift Set :) I'm a subscriber. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I'd love to try the Honey Heel Glaze. It sounds amazing.
I really like this shop - I bookmarked it. I want to try the Fine Body Scrub in sweet creme
I subscribe
oooh... I think I'd like to try the Nectar Powder Milk Bath.
I'm a subscriber.
i want to try the Fine Foot Scrub Trio Gift Set.
The Powder Milk Bath Milk Mugs from Farmhouse Fresh Goods looks great!
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