Thoughts from a 5 year old: I think he would have really enjoyed this game but it had a great deal of reading and he is not a reader yet. He did enjoy watching mommy play and would try to offer bits of strategy advice my way (surprisingly helpful advice too).
Thoughts from a 2 year old: This is definitely too mature for him.
Mom's Take: I was drawn to the unique graphics and characters. The whole cupcake boxer instantly got my attention and any game with a campaign called "The Kandy Kingdom" is something I just had to try. Being new to the defend and battle type of game it took me a minute to get accustomed to but once I got my feet wet - I was a fan.
Simply Stated: It's definitely a creative adventure that will keep you engaged as you wonder what to expect next!We have 10 free download codes to giveaway! To enter to win visit Jovian Minds and comment back with the answer to the following question: "What Trouble in Tin Town faction will be featured in an upcoming release of the game?" The deadline to enter is June 9th at midnight EST. You can score extra entries by liking Jovian Minds on Facebook and/or following Jovian Minds on Twitter.

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