Thoughts from a 5 year old: It was pretty tough for him at times - he would try to tough it out and sometimes be successful at finding Alfie. More often then not it was just a bit out of his league at the moment.
Thoughts from a 2 year old: Way too advanced for this little guy - he didn't have a clue how to find Alfie, although he did enjoy pointing out other items he would catch sight of in each scene.
Mom's Take: I loved it. I would spend far too much time searching for Alfie. I enjoyed traveling the world with him and certainly found it to be pretty challenging at times.
Simply Stated: If you like Where's Waldo - this app is a must have!We have 9 free download codes to giveaway! To enter to win share with us your answer to the following question: Who can give me ONE (or a few lol) word to describe the Appstore! The deadline to enter is June 9th at midnight EST. You can score extra entries by liking Van Nostrum Games on Facebook and/or following Van Nostrum Games on Twitter.

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