Thoughts from a 5 year old: He enjoyed the app and will chose to hear the story at night. He really liked recording his own voice to read the story!
Thoughts from a 2 year old: He is a big fan of the classic version of this tale and found it to be equally enjoyable panda style. He laughs and laughs when the pandas return home to find their home has been invaded by a little girl. He also loved being able to touch the pandas and see them almost come to life.
Mom's Take: It's a great story that never gets old to my kids. The fact that you can record your own voice and touch it to become even more involved in the story - makes it so much cooler than just reading a book.
Simply Stated: This is a great app to add to your reading library. It's perfect for bedtime, playtime, and travel!We have 5 free download codes to giveaway! To enter to win visit See Here Studios and comment back with the answer to the following question: What nonprofit organization will benefit from sales of "The Three Pandas"? The deadline to enter is June 9th at midnight EST. You can score extra entries by liking See Here Studios on Facebook and/or following See Here Studios on Twitter.

Proceeds will benefit Pandas International - Yay!
Panda International
Panda International!!!
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Pandas International
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