
Too funny not to share!

I may be the last one to this party but the site Parent's Shouldn't Text is absolutely hilarious. My mom just got an iPhone and thus far she has yet to send me anything that warrants a posting on the site but I can see it happening in the future (sorry mom - you know I love you). The first text I got from her did shock me - solely because we have been sending her texts since it was possible and none of them have ever been answered. I can only assume that the inbox on her old razor phone is still completely overloaded with unread texts from her loved ones. So you can see why her first text had me completely taken aback. My mom is very intelligent, she even has her masters, but for some reason the complex world of portable electronics has always confounded her - until this new wondrous phone showed her how simple a cell phone can be! She has mastered it all - she can face time, download apps, even text. It's pretty cool - aside from the fact she still has not realized that just like a phone call - a text also makes a pretty loud noise (so she probably should wait until after 6 am to send them). Any text received between midnight and 7 am should be an emergency. I know many mothers are awake at 6 am but me - I still haven't outgrown the procrastination that I was born with. I know that I can get both my boys and myself clothed, fed & out the door by 8:10 am so long as I haul myself out of bed by 7:38. I will lay there until the last second - I am NOT a morning person.

Anyhow - the texts on Parents Shouldn't Text will certainly make you laugh and they ended up keeping me sucked in for quite a while. It didn't even occur to me until after I finished reading that one day in the future my texts could be appearing on there. It's weird. Even though I am a parent - I still don't see myself in the stigma attached by children to "parents". In my mind - I'm still moderately cool, somewhat knowledgeable about whats in style, and definitely not embarrassing.....only a matter of time I suppose.... Here are a few text pics from Parents Shouldn't Text:

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1 comment:

Diane said...

One of my friends told me about when parents text - I love it. Actually a different friend used to post screen shots from his iphone of his mom texting a while back. She had never had a text capable phone before and got an iphone. It was so funny reading her texts to him (usually without ever hitting the spaece bar because she couldnt find it)

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