
Premium scented candles for every occasion

I love scented candles. I love the way the scent fills the room and the soft flickering glow that it comes from. Aunt Sadies has an amazing array of beautiful candles in just about any scent you could hope to find. Not only do the long lasting candles come in some seriously cute tins but the scent it just strong enough to fill the room without overpowering it. The hardest part about shopping at Aunt Sadies is choosing which candles to buy from their wonderful selection. They have so many delightful holiday candles to offer and many other fun scents like their It's a Baby Candle (one of my favorites because it truly smells like a newborn). They even have a Beer candle, a chocolate scented candle, an Obama candle, and a Leather candle. No matter who is on your shopping list - they are certain to have a candle that will make them smile.
  • Wrap it up: The possibilities are endless with this one but here are a few ideas: 1) for grandma - wrap up some of their delicious scents like pumpkin pie, gingerbread, apple pie, and then add a holiday cookbook to complete the gift. 2)for your child's teacher - try the red delicious apple candle with a gift card to your local bookstore. 3)for the outdoorsy man - try a selection of their outdoor candles (they even have a cabin scented one) and you could always add something that comes in camo in their gift box.
  • Age: Adult
  • Price Tag: $16
  • Where to Buy: Aunt Sadies

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Dawn Reid said...

Pumpkin Pie Candle sounds good.

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