
Eebee's interactive Books & DVDs

The first product I saw from Eebee was the Adventure Playmat & Activity Playhouse and I absolutely loved it! When I got the chance to review Eebee's line of books and DVD's I was curious to see if they could measure up to such an amazing product and boy did they impress me! I am automatically drawn to all things Eebee from the vivid colors but they have so much to offer!

The Eebee's Adventure Books are a huge hit with my 3 year old but I can see that they would be perfect for younger children. The age recommendation is 9 - 36 months. These books are so creative and interactive. They really make the books come to life and involve your child. It is a great way to make reading fun. I honestly can't express how impressed I am with the books. In the Peek-A-Boo book you actually get to find Eebee in his various hiding places like under a felt hat, inside suede blocks, or climbing through a mesh tunnel. The books use bright colors and lots of unique textures which are great for stimulating your child. The Laundry Time book is such a cool way to teach your kids about what mommy is doing all the time - Connor likes to look at the book while I do laundry - we actually keep it in the laundry room. The book shows a mesh bag filled with attached towels that your child can remove and place into the washing machine on the following page. They can spin the crinkly wheel around to simulate the washing process and then they get to Velcro the clothing to the clothes line. It even thought to allow them to put the clothing away in felt covered drawers. The Eebee Adventure books are so much more than just reading.

They also have a Bath Time book that you can play with in the tub. It will even fill with water and your child can squirt it out as part of the story. These are the types of books that your little one will want to read over and over again. It's books like these that can show kids at an early age that reading is fun. I strongly recommend Eebee's Adventures Books for your family - you can find them at your local Barnes & Nobles!
Another thing to make sure not to miss is the great line of DVD's from Eebee. These cute videos a set in a colorful world filled with items to interest your child. The songs are fun and be warned - you will catch yourself singing them without realizing it. The videos encourage your child to think outside the box and to explore ordinary objects. When I watch them it reminds me of the way I play with my children and I think that might be the big appeal to kids. It doesn't try to do anything flashy or fancy but it keeps their interest for a surprisingly long time. My three year old was fascinated and kept telling me he wanted to do that (mainly when they were playing in rice & cereal or rolling balls). The interesting thing to me was that he would copy what they were doing on the DVD and that in turn would lead to an idea that kept him playing quietly in his own world. The DVD's are recommended for ages 6 months and up (they do have one that starts at 12 months) and I think that they are definitely something that would grow with your baby, for the very least until the age of 3. Make sure you check out the items from Eebee - I am a HUGE fan!Best Blogger Tips

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