
Look ma' I can jam!

VTech's Kidijamz is a gift that will grow with your child. This music studio is great for letting your little one explore their creativity! It allows you to play fun children's songs in 6 different music styles (like techno, rock, hip hop, etc..) and it also has corresponding sound effects. The keyboard even comes complete with a record to scratch! One of my favorite features was the option to put it in teaching mode. When you do so the song you select to play will light up the key your child should hit to play it. It makes it possible for a child who can't read to play a song! The microphone allows you to make your voice both high & low (which was endlessly amusing for my little guy).

Your child can also use the detachable music player to record him as he jams! When he has to go somewhere he can bring the music player along and not only can he listen to the song he made but he can also share them with friends and family. We have been testing this toy out for about a month now and my 3 year old is not tired of it yet! It is also extremely durable - seeing as how it has experienced several rough falls down the stairs. The only downside - Kidijamz is loud. Wait...don't rule it out yet because the headphones will also plug into the keyboard. Thank goodness for that feature!

You can win your own Kidijamz! This giveaway is a special opportunity for Now What Baby subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber it's not to late to sign up and to enter the contest! We will have a few more subscriber only giveaways to come in the next few weeks...make sure you don't miss out! Subscribers to enter to win visit VTech and comment back with the answer to the following question - "What is your family's favorite holiday tradition?" The deadline to enter is November 30th at midnight EST. Winners have 72 hours to claim their prize before an alternate winner is chosen.

Check out Connor getting in touch with his inner rock star. I especially like the bit where he falls to the floor:
Best Blogger Tips


cathyhall said...

Our family tradition is that every Christmas eve, we sit and talk about the year and what has happened and we identify what has made us happy , stronger or sad. Its a cathartic, healing time yet joyous at the same time!

cathyhall said...

I subscribe, but don't know if I need to say that as its for subscribers only anyway/ thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Our family tradition is that no adult is allowed to open their presents until the kids have opened theirs. The kids love it and take their time more over their gifts and we have so many kids in the family is takes forever!! - make for a great fun day.


I subscribe

Anonymous said...

Everyone who comes for our Chrismas dinner has to bring a dish and they aren't allowed to agree before hand!

we've had some funny combinations.

davidjnorris at ntlworld.com

Anonymous said...

I subscirb via email - just did it

davidjnorris at ntlworld.com

Anonymous said...

We don't really celebrate, so we don't have holiday traditions.

I am a new email subscriber. :)

InternationalFreebies.net == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com

Melody said...

We wrap up all our Christmas books and put them under the tree; the kids get to open one each night and we read it together.

I'm a subscriber. Thanks!

Katherine @ Sweet Caroline's said...

We're starting a new tradition where we'll pick a toy to give away every year...so the kids know it's as good to give as it is to receive presents!


Nadi said...

My favorite Holiday tradition is opening up one present each on Christmas eve (we all get 1 new pair of PJs) and snuggling on the couch the watch a Charlie Brown Christmas with hot cocoa.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I just subscribed! First we take our presents over to my husband's parents' house. Then we all sit around with our pile of gifts, then we go around in a circle and each open one gift at a time. It makes the present opening last longer, and you get to actually see what other people got! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

We always open presents around 1am. We always make time on Christmas day to go visit both sides of the family. Thanks for the great giveaway.


Anonymous said...

On Christmas Eve, we always go to church as a family and bring our candles home to see whose stays lit the longest. On Christmas morning, we open the stockings first, have breakfast and then open the rest of the gifts one at a time. After we're done opening gifts, we have our turkey dinner for a late lunch and have family games, etc. in the afternoon.

Kara said...

Our favorite family tradition is that Santa stops by our house for a visit on Christmas Eve every year sometime during the evening to hand everyone one present in person.
millkara [at] gmail.com

noreen said...

the kids get to open one gift xmas eve

Unknown said...

We make dinner, open family gifts christmas eve and prepare for Santa. Christmas day we open Sant gifts, hake appetizers for during the day and do a x-mas birthday celebration for my middle daughter for dinner

Unknown said...

I am a subscriber!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would LOVE this!! We don't really have any traditions yet, but I am starting one this year. We are going to bake a birthday cake for Jesus every year for Christmas.

PS said...

I just subscribed! I so want this for the kiddos! My favorite holiday tradition...All the aunts and grandmas and cousins get together to bake cookies all day! Then we divie up the goodies when we're done!! I installed a second oven just for the occasion! It is total fun chaos!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that I just subscribed- and I also forgot to leave my email address. SORRY!!


Anonymous said...

Our family tradition is for everyone to get together at my mother's ouse. Everyone brings a dish. We all get to open 1 present. Thanks, sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber. Thanks, sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber & this would be great for my niece but would probably drive her parents nuts!!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber-Awesome Blog! My family's favorite tradition is to buy matching PJ's. wake up Christmas morning in them, and after opening gifts, we make a huge homemade breakfast with all of the fixins'and take a family picture to comemorate the day.




watch movies and hang together mrs.mommyy@hotmail.com


subscriber mrs.mommyy@hotmail.com

Ane said...

Our family tradition every Christmas eve we have all the our kids and their cousins act out the story of Jesus' birth. It's a special tradition that all the family looks forward to. I am a loyal subscriber already! ;)

Stephanie said...

tamales on Christmas eve
tvollowitz at aol dot com

PCasteen said...

2 1/2 THIS YEAR.

Alexia said...

The adults (and mine now that I am one LOL) favorite tradition is to threaten to take a nap before opening presents - it always struck fear in my heart as a child, but now I love messing with everyone else.

Everyone's favorite tradition is eating my aunt's homemade chex mix and mac N cheese!

Anonymous said...

We Make Cookies! About 10 different varieties of Cookies and Santa's plate gets loaded with one of each!
rkm4477 at earthlink.net
I Subscribe!

judybrittle said...

That's the one day of the year that I have all my daughters,son-in-laws and grandchildren over for giving gifts,having a wonderful dinner and just seeing the kids have a great time. There's 16 of us us so it makes a pretty full house but I just love it! Thank you so much!
judybrittle at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking swedish lace cookies with my daughter. It's a recipe that has been handed down for many generations. Thanks!

Kristie said...

We tend to be busy running from one family's house to other and we love it! It's really fun to see everyone.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Michele P. said...

I have just subscribed tonight... so hopefully can be entered!

What we do for Christmas is to celebrate with different foods, such as turkey, tamales, rice, salsa, apple pie, etc... so that the kids get to see the best of both cultures and also they get to stay up late, (if they can!) and mingle with family and friends-when they wake up in the morning, the tree is beautifully decorated and santa has arrived!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Unknown said...

Every Christmas Eve we go out to eat at Chili's after we attend the evening mass at church

cltgrace said...

We have a cookie exchange that is one of the highligts of our holiday season. Being with family & close friends is such a treasure as we celebrate the season.

cltgrace said...

I'm a subscriber! Thanks again for hosting!

Bebemiqui said...

We make fudge and divinity together!

windycindy said...

The late Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church. It puts the right perspective on Christmas and then we go to my sister's for a small get together and food. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a subscriber to your site! Thanks, Cindi

Bettina said...

Our favorite tradition is to sit in our new pj's on Christmas Eve reading the first Christmas out of the Bible!

bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Our favorite tradition is opening one present of Christmas PJs on Christmas Eve!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I am a subscriber!


miriama said...

I am a subscriber with my yahoo email.

Our tradition would be baking together, giving to others and going to see the lights.

MySentimentExactLeePages said...

We are a "new" family that didn't have a lot of our own traditions growing up. We are trying to start some of our own. So far we have Xmas jammies.

Lee :)
leechrista @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

We cut down our own Christmas tree every year. The kids love it and I get amazing pictures from our "trip" to the tree farm!
dana at babyluxedaily dot com

Miss Spoken said...

We cut down a Christmas tree every year and then take all day to decorate it.

aud1inok said...

We have a gingerbread house decorating contest.

aud1inok said...

new subscriber

Anonymous said...

My kids (2 1/2 and 4) pick out stocking stuffers for each member of the family at the dollar store. It teaches them about giving and thinking of others, but it doesn't break my bank!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

the only things we do are go to the inlaws house for christmas feast and presents and also do christmas at our ouse with our 4 kids. sometimes we go to my brother's house for a get together but not every year...it'saccording to their work schedule. but as a kids we went to my grandparents' house that morning after doing the thing at home and the next day went to my grandfather's house since his wife is english to do it for boxing day. please enter us
lilhottemomma @yahoo.com

LadyBug-Kellie said...

We have a tradition to have a great meal together as a family. We also hang stockings for me, my husband, and my daughter. And we open up one present on Christmas Eve because it's so hard to wait another night :)

Mickelle said...

Every Sunday between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have friends over for Advent. We sing songs around the piano, eat goodies and drink wassil.

moushka said...

Favorite tradition: All the children get to open only ONE gift Christmas eve. The gift is always a new pair of pajamas to wear to bed that night. They LOVE it and look forward to it.

Amanda said...

I just love the holidays. My favorite tradition is just being together as a family. The kids all open one gift on Christmas Eve and they always open their stockings first on Christmas day. The Holidays are the best.

I subscribe

Beth said...

We always watch Emmitt Otter's Jugband Christmas and eat McDonald's Happy Meals for lunch on Christmas Eve! (subscriber)

Tara said...

Our family tradition is to put up our tree in October lol and we open one gift on Christmas Eve!

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tara said...

I am a subscriber as well!

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jeff and Mandee said...

My favorite holiday tradition is the Mexican Food Potluck at my sister in laws every year on Christmas Eve. I would love to win this for my daughter, she would justr love it :)

I subscribe via e-mail.


Missy said...

One of my favorite traditions is that the kids each get to open one present on Christmas Eve - it is always their new Christmas pajamas!
I'm a new subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I am subscribed.
Our tradition is to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. We open presents then, and have Christmas dinner on Christmas Day.

gjgille said...

Our tradition is to bake something new for X-mas!

Jenny Grace said...

Our tradition is to give each other ornaments on Christmas Eve.

Andreah said...

Our tradition is to add a new handmade ornament to the tree each year. The kids love it!

Emilyjo said...

Our tradition is to act out the nativity on Christmas eve! So much fun! what a great giveaway!
I'm a subscriber!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My favorite tradition is driving to my parents house before Christmas so our family can spend the holiday with them. Santa comes to their house instead of ours....we have been doing this for 7 yrs now.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribed via my Bloglines feed!

This toy would be SO awesome for both of my children -- they are all about some music -- and my son loves his Daddy's techno albums -- he calls it simply, "daddy's music."

musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Guider Barb said...

Our Christmas tradition is to make a craft. The adutls make one too. We do someting different every year.


bison61 said...

each year we decorate our tree, watch A Christmas Story and eat alot

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

My favorite tradition has to be baking and decorating coolies together.
I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Chinese family dinner on Christmas eve.


megan said...

We have lots of family traditions, but my favorite is mom's coffe cake for breakfast christmas morning.

Anonymous said...

Our family tradition is for the family to meet up at granny's house on Christmas day and open gifts together at NOON! haha..it was horrible waiting until noon as a child..

I subscribed! :)
Erica G.

Veronica said...

Oh my, we have lots of family traditions at Christmas, but my favorite has to be going to look at Christmas lights on people's houses on Christmas eve. It is a great way to spend time with your family and enjoy the sights!

angela said...

We like to go to see the Zoo Lights at the Oregon Zoo on New Years Eve.

VickieC said...

We started years ago,each child choosing a name off the local Christmas tree from Foster children an buying gifts for them,it teachs the kids how to give to someone they do not know,an they love to do it,thanks


CanCan said...

I love doing the "Jesse Tree" ornaments with my sons. We also fill the stockings with toys on December 6th, in honor of St. Nicholas Day. It is kind of fun to spread out the gifts throughout the whole month!
My 4 year old would go absolutely BONKERS with joy if I won this sweet KIDIJAMZ keyboard for him!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My brother, sister, and I and our spouses and kids all still sleep at my parents house on Christmas eve. Everyone gets new jammies for the special night and we all wake up together just like when we were younger!
dansan826 at yahoo dot com

Mandy said...

Before we open gifts we have to sing Christmas songs. We call it "singing for our presents".

Anonymous said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is playing a family football game on Thanksgiving morning.

I just subscribed!

Keyo said...

Our fav tradition during christmas besides trading gifts is to say one "good" and one "imporvement" sentence bout each person in the family "get-to-gether". It cannot be something just made up. It has to be genuinely observed thoroughout the year! thanks.

Oh ofcourse i am ur subscriber!

Brooke said...

O my gosh my kids would love this!
Are family tradition is every fall we head up to a small town tucked up in the hills called Aplle Hill! It's so fun...we go fishing, shopping, eating all those wonderful baked apple treats!That's what we do every fall as a family!

Thank you again!

Stephanie said...

We celebrated with our extended family on Christmas eve, eat tamales, then go to midnight mass.
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Mommakitten said...

We are just now starting our own traditions with our own kids since we just had twins last year. But with our own families we have doughnut day, and a pot luck day along with thanksgiving and Christmas. csikatlane@yahoo.com I also subscribe

RebekahC said...

My daughters would have a blast with this!

My favorite family tradition is the one my husband and I started with our oldest daughter when she was just a baby- going out to look at the beautiful Christmas light displays every year. We usually go out twice. The one time we'll all stay in the car and just drive around through the neighborhoods looking at the personal displays. The other time we get all bundled up and go out to see the big 1,000,000,000+ light display one of the local churches does. It's always so much fun, and provides lots of great photo ops. :)


P.S. I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is a long, long drive to Grandma's!
anastacer at verizon dot net

Dee said...

I always take a picture of the kids sitting in front of the treat with the presents behind them. I love getting the expression on their face. So excited to see what Santa brought. Then we open stockings and take our time.

Thanks! :)


Brooke said...

My family's favorite tradition is keeping Santa alive and well. The older kids like feeling in the know and the little kids love to believe.

Mississippi Songbird said...

my family's favorite tradition is eith on Christmas eve or the night before, we all jump in the car and ride around, looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations. I usually pop some popcorn and we take all kinds of snacks. It's fun...We used to take the kids in their jommies and coats.. They loved it then too..

Mississippi Songbird said...

BTw. I suscribed too..( We love to look at Christmas lights.)

Peggy said...

I have a huge party on Xmas eve,everyone is here ,plenty of food,gifts and fun. I love it, I know everyone is having a wonderful time. I also have a grab bag filled with big,med. and some small gifts and let everyone pick . I try to make sure anyone that stops has a present. Sometimes the kids surprise me and bring their friends ,so I am glad that I have that wonderful grab bag.

Jennifer said...

I just subscribed! Our favorite family tradition is decorating the tree and opening 1 present the night before!


Whammo said...

On Christmas Eve my children and grandchildren gather at our house and they each get to pick one present to open. We always have hot cocoa with whipped cream and hot cider.

Whammo said...

Subscriber too.

Uniquely Yours said...

Our family traditions are not to spend time with our extended family until we have our time together. My daughter would love this she is quite the musician.

wigget said...

my favorite tradition is going to midnight mass and singing christmas carols.

Tempest52 said...

Our family tradition is to open presents one by one, taking turns from youngest to oldest. Makes it less of a free for all and everyone gets to admire everyone else's gifts.

dlcwin AT gmail DOT com

A Family Completed... said...

Every year we spend christmas eve at my husbands grandparents every year there are new family members I love watching his grandpa play santa to his admiring great grandchildren! It warms my heart they all adore him so much!

I just subscribed. Thanks for the entry
tonyamcrain [at]aol[dot] com

Anonymous said...

we always let the kids open one gift...their choice...on christmas eve...takes the edge off a little :)

Anonymous said...

Our traditions have changed a little since we are grown and have children of our own. But I am passing mine on to my son. We have always opened one present on Christmas Eve which I am not sure if that is a good thing since we were so eager to open the rest we got no sleep. We always made cookies and put milk out for Santa before bed. Then Christmas morning we would all get up and open the presents from youngest to oldest. The oldest has a little more patience and that is why they are last. This way everyone gets to see what everyone got. Of course the little ones didn't care what the oldest got, they just wanted to play with theirs!

I love the fact that this toy teaches as well as lets them play and then records it so they can hear it played back. So neat!

I am a subscriber - christinc21@hotmail.com

BriCoble said...

My favorite tradition hopefully will be one that starts this year. We have a new house and my mom has moved here from another state. So this Christmas we will celebrate a lot of firsts. A big multi-generational family gathering and Christmas dinner in our new home will be the best.

BriCoble said...

Subscriber too.

Carol said...

Everyone gets to open a present on Christmas eve. My son would love this prize. Looks like a lot of fun. Thank you

actsm AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is to open one gift each on Christmas Eve. It's always pajamas and the kids know that but it relieves some of the pressure of all those presents under the tree that they can't wait to open. It also means we're all wearing new pajamas the next morning when we're taking pictures.

Kendra Field said...

My favorite holiday tradition is that we get to open one present on Christmas Eve, it's always a new pair of pajamas...everyone wakes up looking great for pictures Christmas morning in their new jammies!

Sarah said...

I'm trying to teach my daughter that helping always makes you feel good so I make sure that I always have change during the holiday season for her to give the bell ringers. Also in our house the gifts are opened one person at a time; youngest to oldest so everyone can see and share!

Jessica said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is spending Christmas Eve with extended family and my grandmother!

Anonymous said...

Our favorite tradition is attneding 5pm Christmas eve Mass with my siblings, my parents, and all the grandchildren. Then we go over my parents for dinner and the grandchildren open presents. Last year was the best beacuase me sister had triplets and my son had a baby, my first grandchild :)

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed :)

torinem said...

We always spend our holiday hopping from family member to family member.

Anonymous said...

We watch A Christmas Story over and over on Christmas Eve and open one present from the aunts and uncles.

Maria's Space said...

I am a subscriber. We have a few news traditions.

New PJ's, 24 days of Christmas presents. They are not new presents but I wrap 24 items and put them in a basket, they are all of our Christmas DVD, CD's, Book, or Videos and each day one of my 2 kids opens one and we do whatever it is. Read or watch. The kids love it and since they haven't seen the items in a year it is like a new gift until the next Christmas.

Mariana said...

My favorite Xmas tradition is to buy a special ornament each year for each of my daughters. When they move out, they'll get to take all their ornaments with them.

I'm a subscriber.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

We don't have any family holiday traditions yet but I'm working on it...

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday tradition is reading "'twas the night before Christmas" as a family. Our copy is the original story and signed to my daughter from Santa himself ;-)

I am a subscribe--

Thank you!

Aura said...

We celebrate Hannuka so we all sit around the menorahs and sing before opening the gifts, the kids run and each get to pick a gift from thier bag, one gift a night. Afterwards we eat dinner and play a family game together. Since we're all busy year round it's really nice just to spend time together.

UnrealBaby said...

I'm a new subscriber. We are just no really starting new traditions for our family. Before we just went to the parents' houses and that was that. But now that we have our little girl we are hoping to start our own family traditions. We will put up a christmas tree for the first time this year the weekend after Thanksgiving. We plan on making cookies together and we're still trying to think of a really unique to us family tradition.


Dee said...

I'm a new subscriber and My fav tradition is doing fodue on Christmas eve! Thanks for this amazing chance!

Tamara B. said...

Our family tradition is on Christmas Eve we always go to the midnight mass and them go out for breakfast afterwards.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

Christmas Traditions at our house have been to 1. Make Sandtart cookies together. 2. Add more to our Popcorn String, which we have been working on for 10 years now and it never disintegrates. It's beautiful. 3. Open 1 present Christmas Eve. 4. Go to christmas Eve mass. We love Christmas!

Julie Donahue said...

My family makes carmel corn and delivers it to friends the week before Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I am a new subscriber...My favorite family tradition is everyone getting to open their one gift on Xmas Eve...which is always a new pair of PJ'x and then settling in for some hot chocolate and a Xmas movie. This always guarentees lots of snuggles. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!


liruco said...

Our family tradition includes eating beets with our family that celebrate xmas and eating Israeli jelly donuts with our family that celebrates chanukah.

lrc105 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Our favorite family tradition is going to our local Christmas tree farm the day after Thanksgiving to pick out the perfect tree! We then go home and have hot cocoa and alot of laughs as we decorate our tree!

Anonymous said...

And I'm a subscriber...But I guess you already knew that since this was a subscriber only contest, huh?LOL! Just making sure!

Jaime said...

Our Favorite Holiday Tradition, is before Christmas, we go the Thanksgiving Day Parade to personally deliver our letters to Santa on his Sleigh!

Anonymous said...

Just subscribed to your awesome blog! What a great giveaway this is! My family's favorite holiday tradition is seeing who can get kid toys out of all of the packaging fastest! We also share all of the holiday cards we received. Thanks for the contest. My e-mail if I should happen to win is lys76 at msn dot com :)

Bennett's Mom said...

Our favorite family tradition is to turn on Christmas music,drink hot chocolate and decorate our tree.

LC said...

we get to open one present on christmas eve.

thanks for the great offer

leahrcole at yahoo dot com

The Hinkle Hut said...

our tradition is that the kids get to open one present on christmas eve and the all the rest and santa presents on christmas morning

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed..
my family tradition is that every christmas eve we go to church they always have awsome plays for kids and then we come home and have dinner and sometimes open some gifts :)

Anonymous said...

Our family tradition is that every Christmas eve we all open a gift that is new pajamas for everyone; even mom and dad, then we sleep in those and open christmas gifts in them the next morning.

I am a subscriber

Alli said...

We go for Chinese food on Christmas Day eve!

Anonymous said...

I commented a while back but forgot to mention that Im a subscriber! :)
dansan826 at yahoo.com

Donna said...

We go to church on Christmas Eve.

Donna said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

i love decorating the tree i love x-mas we put up day after thanksgiving i cant wait it always so pretty


Unknown said...

On Christmas Eve we like to read the Christmas Story and drink hot chocolate.


Anonymous said...

every year each family member (grandparents, sibblings, ALL chilren) are giving a Chistmas ornament (you know the good ones)and the 1st year it spends on Grandmas tree, when packed up it is marked the year and from who, every year after that it goes on the tree of the one whom recieved it. When you are old enough to have your own tree, you have a pretty good start of decorations, a sense of history and the reminder of who gave it to you.

jamaise said...

We have many traditions, but one is listening to the radio to find out where Santa is - then sometime after the children go to bed, one of the adults throws rocks on the roof(reindeer hooves) and sleigh bells can be heard!

jamaise said...

I subscribe - :)

Millie said...

My fav. trad. is that we have a gingerbread decorating party every year its so much fun! thank you for giving us all a chance to win :)

Millie said...

I am a subscriber.. do we have to say this?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas!! Our family tradition is that from Thanksgiving day on, we watch a Christmas movie every day. Sure we watch several over and over but my boys faces just light up every time and it is such a fun time. Christmas Eve we always leave milk and cookies for Santa also-they love that! This would be a great surprise to find under the tree this year. Thanks for the giveaway. I am a subscriber too:)

Rattled Mom said...

We're still building our holiday traditions, but our current favorite is watching The Polar Express together! It's my preschooler's favorite movie - usually he just watches it when we have a babysitter (year-round!)

I'm a subscriber: beezerly at yahoo dot com

Tylerpants said...

We just try to all get together for the holidays...can't wait for my baby to come so we can start some traditions!

I am a subscriber!

City Color said...

My family tradition is to try and meet everyone in the extended family. So we usually fly/drive a lot during the holidays and it gets tiring but I cannot imagine the holidays without seeing everyone.
My daughter would love this so I ope I win.
freecyclebv at gmail.com

City Color said...

I am a subscriber.
freecyclebv at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize I had to leave my "I'm a subscriber" comment seperately to count. Thanks again for the chance--my son would LOVE this! lys76 at msn dot com

Ann said...

All our families live in England and Belgium so we celebrate the Holidays with friends here. But on Christmas day we always ring our parents, grandparents and the kids sing some songs to them. I know it's nothing fancy but it means a lot to our family. Living so far away is hard around the holidays. Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!

ann dot guns at mac dot com

Cher said...

Our tradition is that we each take turns opening a present at a time.

janetfaye said...

I am subscribed.

Our favorite holiday tradition is to celebrate Christmas Eve with an evening dinner.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Danielle said...

As a kid my favorite tradition was choosing a family in need and buying presents with money that we had saved up all year. We would then go drop the gifts off on the family's doorstep, ring the bell, and run.
Now that I have my own small family, my favorite tradition is where we write each other a letter expressing our love and gratitude to that person. Then we give the letter to each other on Christmas morning

Anonymous said...

Getting together with family on Thanksgiving and going around the room to hear what everyone is thankful for.


Krissie said...

We make cookies and take them around to all of the neighbors
allmycrazycats AT aol.com

Krissie said...

I subscribe
allmycrazycats@ AT aol.com

Leah said...

It is a beautiful tradition to give unto others especially during the holidays! That's why you'll always see us volunteering especially during the holidays!

Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))


Leah said...

You'll love that I'm a subscriber to your AMAZING BLOG.


Tracey said...

DH and I always pick mistletoe from a tree down the block and hang in the doorway to start the holiday out right. Another great tradition is reading about Jesus' birth on Christmas Eve with the family.

Thanks for the contest!

Rockin' Mama said...

We go to the South and have traditional southern food with family

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

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