
Porn for New Moms

Porn for moms that you will enjoy much more than your hubby, need I say more? Nope I'm not talking about anything naughty but it is guaranteed to make you laugh. Porn for New Moms has figured out exactly the type of dirty talking every mother truly wants to hear and it consists of things like "Damn, you look hot in those sweat pants." and "Don't worry honey. Your mother and I will take wonderful care of the baby while you and your girlfriends are at the spa."

Porn for New Moms is full of little lines that I have committed to my fantasy database. If only we could sell this as a manual for husbands on how to please their wives. The dream worthy quotes are accompanied by some serious eye candy. Plus this hunk filled book doesn't involve much reading, which is perfect for a new mom because they don't have time to read. I suggest giving Porn for New Moms as a fantastic shower gift or keeping it on the changing table for a much needed late night laugh. Me, I think I'll keep accidentally tossing it in my husbands briefcase and hoping he will take the hint.....Best Blogger Tips

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny that you reviewed this book - I have it on hold at my library!

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