I always mean to get to the gym but it seems like life just keeps getting in my way....plus I'm a wee bit threatened by actual exercise.
Reebok's new EasyTone line of shoes help do some of the work for you. Their unique design helps to tone your butt, calves, hamstrings, and legs with every step you take. How? It has patented sole technology which imitates walking on sand. Although that sounds like it might be a little uncomfortable they are surprisingly easy to walk in! They are lightweight, breathable, and have even been specially designed with a woman's foot in mind. The Smoothfit design left me with no blisters or irritations on my feet even after a long day of walking. Now anytime I know that I am going to be taking a lot of steps, I make sure to wear my
EasyTone sneakers. They help tone & tighten muscles by up to 28% and from what I can tell it takes no extra effort on your part (my favorite way to workout!). You can get a pair in a variety of styles to match your personal needs & taste.
- Wrap it up: This is the gift that keeps on giving or toning! What more can you ask for except maybe a bow on top?
- Age: Teen+
- Price Tag: $99 - $109
- Where to Buy : Reebok

1 – 200 of 244 Newer› Newest»With the EasyTone go outside, you can firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand.
Walking is the best way that I tone up. I try to walk daily. Thanks so much.
walking, which i do every day.
wow im impressed with cdziuba workin out at the comp haha
i swim!
email subscribed :)
Walk!! The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28% - pretty good cheat!
I'm a subscriber.
I have never found a way to cheat when working out, not a way that helps me achieve my goals anyway. I walk everyday and use the treadmill every night right now. These look like just the cheat I could use and not feel guilty.
I would love to try these shoes.
An easy workout for me is going on a hike in the woods which is fun too!
Walking is the easiest form of exercise since it can be done most anywhere!
I got a dog :) No excuses, she needs to go out and loves to walk and run, good incentive to keep going
I take the stairs instead of the elevator.
yes, stairs instead of elevator but not doing what I should be doing
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I subscribe
tvollowitz at aol dot com
The way I cheat while toning up is playing horsey with my grandkids. I have to change legs often as they do get quite sore fast but they have so much fun. Thank you for this wonderful chance!
I'm a subscriber.
I would love to win so I can get in shape after this baby!
My office is on the 10th floor, so I do a lot of stair walking everyday.
I am already a big walker so this would really benifet me
I intentionally make multiple trips up and down the stairs all day at home, so I can sneak in some extra steps! justjea at hotmail dot com
I hear that you can actually tone yourself by wearing these shoes!
I would like to see this myself. If the results are apparent, I'll be a regular customer.
I walk on the treadmill and the bike! Believe me I need more toning lol
Thank you :)
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a subscriber
Thank you :)
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
With the EasyTone go outside, you can firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand.
thank you!!
kellierosewilson (@) hotmail.com
With the EasyTone go outside, you can firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand.
kellierosewilson @ hotmail.com
You can firm up your muscles just by walking.
I challenge my kids to races thoughout the course of a day.
Unlike most folks, when holiday shopping I make a point of parking as far away from a store entrance as I can. That gives me just a bit more exercise to walk off those holiday treats! Thanks for the chance to win!
i try taking the stairs instead f the elevator
I take walks - to tone up, to relax, and to bring the kids to the park. Great shoes! I'd love to add a pair to my walking routine.
With Easy Tone shoes, all you need to do to tighten those butt muscles is walk. Easy Peasy!
clenna at aol dot com
Already a subscriber
clenna at aol dot com
Walking with these shoes would be exercise and make toning easier.
If you're already walking, why not add to the overall effectiveness. I'm not sure it's cheating, but the benefits of wearing these Reeboks is just common sense.
I haven't found an easy way to cheat working out, but I did find that dancing around the house with my baby has really helped tone my arms and shoulders...
EasyTone gives you 28% more toning in your calves, hamstrings, and butt! Sweet! :-)
Thanks for the very cool giveaway - I would totally wear these! I need them. lol
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
I love the shoes and how they really help tone you up.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
I have to go to physical therapy 3 times per week for my back and the excerises I do there have toned my thights, butt and abs. It doesn't really feel like a work out, but it gives me the advantages of a real workout
mpelosi at partners dot org
I take the stairs whenever possible and park farther away from entrances so I have further to walk. I also make a conscious effort to suck in my gut throughout the day to tone my tummy.
ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies
i tone the easy way by doing squats, abs and lunges while watching tv.
get the core muscles working so i dont have to go to gym! :)
You can cheat some with the EasyTone sneakers, since it's like walking on sand you get more burn with each step!
Great giveaway!
I'd love some new shoes made just for walking to work out! That's all I have time to do!
I tone up by walking and I'd love
to try the new EasyTone sneakers!
I love walking. Easy and Free. Thanks for the chance.
Walk! The Easy Tone shoes help you get a better butt, better calves and better legs. I need these!
Walking is always an easy and safe and effective exercise. But these shoes make walking even more efficient.
I not only walk (or should I say RUN after my 3 kids), but playing with my kids really burns some calories!
garyandalesha at cox dot net
I try to fit in a workout everyday- so if I can't go to the gym, I take my son for a walk or even do weights while watching tv!
I do a lot of walking... and I tend to 'bounce' on curbs or the edge of a stair when I'm standing 'still'
Walking. The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28%. Get a better butt & better legs with every step!!
I could really use these!!
With the EasyTone go outside,with their patented sole technology you can firm your muscle tone by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand.
I do strength training exercises
The patented sole technology emulates walking on sand so that it works leg and butt muscles with just walking. (subscriber)
tones your hamstrings
You wear their shoes and they will give you up to 28% more toning in your calves, hamstrings, and your butt. alissa4illustration@hotmail.com
walking in these tones your calves, hamstrings and glutes (!!) woot! i'd love to cut out one of my workouts just by wearing these while i walk.
button dot lambright at gmail dot com
i subscribe
button dot lambright at gmail dot com
The soles on Easytone makes it like walking on sand. I cheat working out by stretching out my legs while lying down.
By wearing Easy Tone Technology sneakers you get 20% more of a workout walking so it tones your calfs, hamstrings, and butt muscles.
the answer to the question is;by walking
I walk whenever the weather allows. EasyTone would make my walks even more beneficial.
When wearing the Easy Tone shoe, walking provides up to 28% more toning because of the technology in the shoe.
clynsg at yahoo.com
for me it is doing this i enjoy; dancing, hiking, biking, etc. msmith572@yahoo.com
firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand. Sounds good to me!
I'm an editor and have to wait to print hundreds upon hundreds of pages at a time so while I wait for pages to print I either suck in my belly, do deep breathing (which helps your core all the way from front to back) or do calf raises. That and when I walk to my printer I make sure to roll my feet and dig in to the ground really deep with my heels.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
its.a.hit at gmail dot com
I fun up and down our stairs many times a day.
subscriber. amypugmire@live.com
definately walking with these shoes. My daughter loves to walk. amypugmire@live.com
Picking up toys is a perfect time to get your squat workout in. Seriously, the best workout I get all day, and something that has to be done, thanks!
Walking is the best way that I tone up. I try to walk daily
I would say walking would be the easiest way
fayemjenkins at yahoo dot com
Walking is my favorite exercise. It's something I can do with my whole family to get us all in shape.
I cheat working out and instead fly my son around like an airplane and make him "jump" really high and generally rough house with him for about a half hour.
Ha- I tighten my butt muscles while I'm on the computer! Which is exactly why I'm entering - maybe tennies that make it easier whilget me to the gym!
I chase after my 5 year old, challenge him to races, or just get out and play with him on the playground. It doesn't feel like a workout, but it definitely works!
I subscribe.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Subscriber :)
How do you tone the easy way and cheat working out? Just go for a walk around the house. With the EasyTone the soles imitate the feeling of walking thru the sand (which is harder than it looks if you ask me...)
work out the easy way by pushing my 2 kids in a grocery cart full of groceries
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
email subscriber
smilefest (at) yahoo (dot) com
"Walk!! The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28%" Really lovin' this! Thank you!
I subscribed. Thank you for the great giveaway!
I take a daily walk, and ride a recumbent bike.
hblaser at gmail dot com
I walk around my beautiful neighborhood, letting my hair fly in the breeze, and hoping my feet will do the same thing!
Park at the far end of the parking lot.
I haven't been toning or working out, but I'd love to give these shoes a shot :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Subscriber - blog[at]theluckyladybug[dot]org
I clean the house daily from my 5 kids, 2 dogs and hubby that seem to have full time jobs keeping it a mess. Now that is a workout!
mrssquigg at comcast dot net
Walk, walk, walk!!
email subscriber
Playing with my 18 month old and 3 year old grandchild keeps me toned.
smchester at gmail dot com
It emulates walking on sand! wow...that will definitely create sexy legs!
I live in a multi story building where I have my home/office. I walk to other residences often for business reasons and use the stairs instead of the elevator.
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email at:
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I talk myself into thinking most elevators are broken and take the stairs at work.
i sit on my computer and do contest and excerise a little.thanks
I tone easily by taking a local dance class and stretching every morning!
cheating a workout has never worked for me - and I have tried so many ways. The only thing that works is actually doing the dang workouts 1 hour every day 6 days a week. Love to try the easytone for an extra boost to my fitness routine.
I like to take the stairs instead of the elevator to increase the amount of exercise I get.
you can firm up your muscles just by walking. I would love to win these. thanks.
These shoes let you "cheat" by turning regular walking into a much more toning exercise.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I do a lot of walking and lifting at work so that s how i tone and get to cheat by not actually working out. These shoes would make it even easier!
Walk of course! The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28%
I use the yoga and strength training exercises on my new wii fit. I can already feel a difference but I would really like to start running.
I cheat by walking and flexing my abs while driving.
i walk around the mall!!
just walk!!! it works.
I don't know that I've ever toned an easy way, but these shoes sound like they would be a great help!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
enthusiastic, regular love making.
Which is why I'm 8 months pregnant.
I'm already an email subscriber...
With a pair of Reebok's Easy Tone Go Outside-Wide sneakers! Actually, I don't know a real way to tone and cheat working out, lol:)
Walk!! The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28%!!!! NICE!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
I walk on my treadmill 4-5 times a week.
by just walking--thanks for the opp
I walk.
always taking the stairs
I "cheat" working out by fitting in a few minutes of walking at lunch and in the morning before work.
xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com
You can cheat a workout by walking in these shoes.
I use my Dance Dance Revlolution on the hubbys playstation! It don't even seem like a workout
I walk every day and with the EasyTone go outside, you can firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand.
I subscribe
just by walking
Tone the easy way and cheat working out by just walking! You can run the errands you normally do and get a little boost! I love these shoes! Good luck to everyone and thanks for the amazing giveaway!
These look fantastic and I could use the excercise! :)
I push my two kids in the stroller.
The soles emulate walking on the sand.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I try to walk often. Thankyou for the contest! :)
I do yoga strtches when in the car or at the desk etc. Just a little strtch a few times a day tones you up.
I do leg exercises when I am at the computer.
hebert024 at aol dot com
The easiest way is to keep walking but wear EasyTone! Awesome!
mrswetz at yahoo dot com
I take my dog to the park to walk around with him while he plays! Would love to have these shoes as I ama bout to start walking to get ready for the Susan G Komen Walk in the spring!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
Walk walk walk.. The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand. So park that car further away
Walking ~ it's great for toning and these would really help with the cheating part!
I'm a subscriber.
I don't tone often...and that is the big problem! These would be so awesome to have. I could "cheat" and still be doing myself some good!
These shoes look fantastic and of course walking is the best exercise to tone up and stay fit!
Walk!! The EasyTone technology emulates walking on sand - which in turn improves muscle tone in the hamstrings, calves & glutes up to 28%.
I'm a subscriber.
Walking is the easiest way for me to tone.
pkildow at gmail dot com
Walk, walk on sand. Thankyou! :)
wearing Easytone is like walking on sand, tones 28% more!
ahartup at yahoo dot com
I walk my dog every day, so it kills two birds with one stone, I get a workout and the dog is tired out and happy. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
The easiest way to tone and cheat working out would be with a pair of Reebok's new EasyTone footwear. The shoes have built in balance pods that create natural instability that forces your muscles to work harder. The result is toned legs and glutes! I walk several times a week for exercise, these would be a great addition. Thanks for the chance!
All you have to do is walk so let's go shopping and get a workout at the same time! WooHoo!!
email subscriber
I don't know if you'd call it cheating. But I do walk around the house on my tiptoes quite a bit to tone my calves and butt.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe to your blog feed via email.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I walk every day it is not raining and on days it is raining I do the stairs to tone. I am not sure how I cheat however.
Subscriber. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
With EasyTone you can tone up just by going about your normal routine--like walking around the grocery store, and doing housework. Just by wearing them! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
How do you tone the easy way and cheat working out? By wearing the Reebok EasyTone sneakers you can get firmer thanks to their patented sole technology, which emulates walking on sand. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'm a subscriber. Thanks!
With EasyTones you can cheat by just doing the normal activities that you usually do during the day. The soles emulate walking on sand which improves your muscle tone. Thanks for the chance!
I subscribed-thanks!
easiest & funnest way to get some exercise is dancing! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I subscribe & I cheat working out by adding to my daily routines. Example: park farther away in parking lots and walk to your destination. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (at) gmail.com
Cute shoes to get back in shape and to walk my dog in....opps I would be wearing the shoes not my dog.
Diane Baum
I play with my kids and walk as much as possible.
I have been wearing another brand of this type of shoe for past two yrs. I lost 2 inches the first month and my buttock is tighter. I wear them for my 12 hour shift.
I haven't found a good way to cheat working out. These shoes look promising to work the muscles of my legs more than traditional shoes and get the most out of the exercise I'm already doing.
I subscribe to your blog.
I walk for my osteoporosis; these would help toned me up while I'm at it.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
Walking. I even park where ever I see a spot in a parking lot because I can always use the extra steps.
walking! The gym is for suckers
fidgetblogs at gmail dot com
With the Easy Tone shoes you can tone while you walk as for my personal routine I don't cheat working out, I feel mentally happier when I work out.
amysweepstake at yahoo.com
I'm subscribed!
amysweepstake at yahoo.com
I try to do pilates and yoga to help me tone up.
I subscribe.
I chase my son around!
I subscribe
Housecleaning helps.
I subscribe.
The patented sole technology emulates walking on sand so that it works leg and butt muscles when you walk. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway - vitanuova1@yahoo.com
I like to go to the Mall and walk around several times before I start shopping. With the Reebok EasyTone sneakers, my walkabout would be much better.
I still work out, but I cheat by getting extra toning by carrying my 23 pound, 9-month old baby all day (not usually by choice--she has separation anxiety and won't go to anyone else!)
I live on the 3rd floor, so I have to climb 2 flights of stairs every day, at least once.
I try to park as far away as possible and walk longer while shopping.
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
With the EasyTone go outside, you can firm up your muscles by just walking. The soles emulate walking on the sand. :)
walking! Good thing my car is like 3 blocks away from work. Yay for working in the middle of a big city!
email subscriber
Walk, walk,and then walk some more only with a big smile. That way one benefits in every way. Good Day!
Walking wherever I can!
with these shoes of course!
without them... walking still does it
I tone by walking every day. I lik ehow the soles emulate walking on the sand. These would be great!
sandym204 @ gmail dot com
email subscriber!
sandym204 @ gmail dot com
Walking and playing with my children.
Walking- the Easytone makes it a better workout without seeming to- one thing I do that is to pulse my muscles when doing yoga or whatever- I'm doing it anyways why not make the most of it, right?
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